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Here is a collection of organizations I work under or have taught workshops for in the past.



“Feiticeiro's dedication to capoeira extends deeply into his teaching as he walks his students through not only the moves of the game, but also the meaning behind the moves, and does so with great energy and patience. His passion for the game exudes through his every pore class after class, and he does everything he possibly can to spread this passion on to his students, supporting them in every way on their individual capoeira journeys.”

Leisha Reynolds-Ramos, Student/Aluna


"If you are looking for an exceptional hands on learning experience, you're looking at the right instructor! Capoeira is a fun, exhilarating martial art that really pushes you to your limits! David Vick's teaching method is fun and he really makes it a point to get to know each students' strengths and weaknesses. Not only will he build you up, his instructing method helps you reach and maintain your full potential!
As an instructor, David Vick is constantly looking at ways to improve each students learning experience in an energized and positive atmosphere!"

Alanna Jackson, Student/Aluna




I have bought three paintings from David Vick - two that are minimalistic, depicting sun, tree and mountains, and one abstract with black vines and a figure shaded in blue blocking them.
"Dusk" - I was initially drawn to this painting because of the vaguely Oriental feel to it. I like that the mountains are just a suggestion, you don't see the entire tree branch, and the sun is blurred in a way that reminds me of the sun setting into the ocean.
"Sunset Valley" - This reminded me of the stretch between Tucson and Phoenix. There is a suggestion of mountains in the distance, a green tree which is reminiscent of palo verde, and the sun is off in the distance. The elements are balanced very nicely.
"Barrier to the Descent" - The entirety of the painting represented someone guarding, or protecting something from an almost overwhelming outside force. The black winged faerie-esque figure is painted over blue almost seems to defy the black snake-like tendrils coming towards it.

Cori Critch, Client

"I took your workshop at [The AZ State Thespian Festival] with my friends and it was probably the most fun I had in the two days I was there... Keep inspiring people, you're awesome."

Danielle A., Theatre Student in Tucson, AZ

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